Is anybody there?

I’m hardly expecting much in the way of a response, but for my own notes, mind telling me if you see this post? Part of the reason I want to know is that I’m going to try revamping this blog, and it would be nice to have a baseline, and part of the reason is simply because I’m lonely and struggling.

Hopefully I can spend some time thinking tomorrow and work out a small plan for 2015.

That is all. Please say hi.

Under construction {place hokey gif here}

Alright. A friend suggested I blog more. So, guess what? I’m going to try to blog more.

And geez this place is dusty and a bit stale. So gotta clean it up a bit.

So, making some changes around here. There’s a sweet extension called Jetpack that lets you tie your hosted WordPress blog into a lot of features, and I’ve enabled the comment feature. You can now comment via your Facebook, Twitter, or account. (Or you can still fill in the blanks yourself, I think. Needs testing.)

I might change up the theme, I haven’t decided yet. I am going to make some changes to the content. I’m debating whether to force LJ commenters over here or not — for the moment, I’ll leave the option, but it is something that I’m thinking about. I know I occasionally use the LJ account for musings that I’d prefer to keep semi-private and consolidating comments on an all too public blog doesn’t help that goal.

Other question — as I’m starting up the blog slog again, topics would be a nice suggestion.

A few I’m likely to veto, though:

I’m not entirely averse to discussing politics, but I’m a bit tired of it and at the point where I’m likely to descend into long rants that will offend half the political spectrum, including several members of my family. (I love them very deeply even if I do not understand why they vote the way they do.)

Religion’s also a tough one, as I’m capable of some rather unorthodox opinions on the subject. That said, I actually own a Qur’an and have been wanting to read it for a while now, but I want to get a better handle on the founding religious document of the faith of my culture first, so I’m thinking about doing a Bible read. (I’m also thinking about doing a Book of Mormon read for two reasons: (1) the lulz (2) like it or not, Mormonism is a uniquely American religion and is going to play a larger part in the culture going forward. Mitt Romney might be the first Mormon to make it this far, but I am certain he will not be the last.)

Other than that, I’m pretty much open to subject matter. Go ahead, toss away. See what you can come up with.

That’s about it. Please bear with our mess, we hope to have construction complete in the near future.

In the meantime, katster go sleep.

Open ID

I *seem* to have OpenID working. You may have to log into the site with your OpenID before you comment, but the benefit of doing this … well, I’m not sure of a benefit, other than being able to prove that you are who you are. And yes, those of you coming from LJ? Login with your LJ address, that serves as an openID.

It *should* work inline, but I’m not entirely convinced it plays nice with the theme. It’s better to log yourself into the site (either in the hard to see what you’re typing box at the top of the page, or via the “login” link in the outside column). Hopefully, it’ll all work. Lemme know if it doesn’t.


wow, it’s been a while…

There’s a new version of 3ColumnK2 out, and it fixes — yes, fixes! — those annoying permission bugs. So now I’m going to stick with this and start styling the site.

I’ve gotten a javascript (which I wrote myself) running that generates a random quote. The next step is to figure out how to get javascript to read out of a seperate file, so that I don’t have to keep editing the quote.js file when I want to add another quote.

Other than that, I got that plugin working that requires SOAP (thanks jrenken!), I haven’t gotten the one working that requires deep voodoo, and that’s about it. If I can think of anything else, I’ll add it.

Thanks for your interest in the site.

You may have noticed the site design change.

I really like 3 Column K2 as a style. But right now, he’s got it built upon some shaky code that causes permission problems in the admin space, and that has been driving me nuts. I’m tired of dealing with it, so I’m temporarily running the theme I like second best, which is called Cutline, while I try to debug what’s going on with 3 Column K2 (and what I need to change to fix it or hope the guy who built 3 Column K2 is going to release a newer version of it RSN. Anyway, I’m hacking on it, and I’ll get there. But in the meantime, things are going to get messy.

Today’s doings

  • Installed a plugin manager, only to find out that it need SOAP to work.
  • Installed a neat plugin to work with MasterList, only to find out it requires deep voodoo (aka template hacking) to work. Have beat head against the WordPress template documentation, but am no closer to understanding. Am going to ask about it on the K2 forums.
  • Reactivated Twitter plugin in sidebar
  • Have finally gotten updates running on Hollowman, my desktop computer. Mistoffelees, my laptop, was much more compliant, but it was also more up to date.
  • Added SMS feature. It’s at the bottom right sidebar under the LibraryThing stuff. DO NOT ABUSE THIS FEATURE.

I think that’s everything. It’s a bit of work. There will be more later, but right now I need to sleep.

The reasons for the lack of work.

Two days have gone by without an update, so let me enlighten those who might care.

Thursday was just kind of an off-day. Mom and I had to go to Costco, and then I had to cook dinner, and after that, I just felt like reading books all night long.

And then Friday morning, I woke up to this:


That’s my sister’s car, but the lack of sleep and the chaos that such an event caused required a lot of time to deal with, and now I am utterly fried.

So I am going to bed now. And I am going to sleep forever. Or something like that.

Today’s doings

  • added header image
  • restyled LibraryThing plugin
  • corrected an egregious grammar error in the sidebar
  • Installed and deinstalled the Twitter plugin. (I’ll bring it back when the site gets more stable.)
  • Tried to get a quote generator working, only to discover that the Widgets plugin doesn’t like PHP in the text boxes. (Javascript is okay. Looks like it’s a good thing I’m taking Javascript and AJAX this term.)
  • Got comments from Zibb and Kowh, w00t. And now I know how will handle comments.
  • Turned on the K2 asides option. (Twitter jitters is an aside. I think I may want to hack the restyling a bit.)
  • Fixed Zibb’s comment flooding problem. (It’s an ugly hack, though.)
  • Installed plugin to get around admin not being able to create categories. (Why does this bug even exist? Why?)

I think that’s everything. The big thing on tomorrow’s agenda is to port the “about” page and redo the about page to point to the about me and about pages. Also, I need to remember to put a Sandwich badge somewhere on the website, for we loves our sysadmin, we do.

today’s muckings


  • Got the sidebars mostly set, with feeds for my LJ and the NFZ in the sidebar.
  • Installed plugins to show off my flickr photos and my LibraryThing books.
  • Moved and edited slightly my About Me page.
  • Wrote a small About box on the sidebar.
  • Somehow fixed annoying RSS problem that was causing bad characters to display in the NFZ feed.

To Do:

  • Restyle the page so it’s not so boring.
  • Port and/or create more content to fill the site
  • Figure out how I want to handle links, because putting them all in the sidebar would be silly.
  • Find something, anything, to write about on NFZ, or else it’s just going to sit there longer.
  • Hope somebody’s done something about that right annoying “you don’t have permissions even if you’re an admin” category creation bug.

I think that’s about it. Also, could somebody (who isn’t me, but might be reading this) try to comment? I want to see what happens.

out with the old

Ayup. I’ve gone to WordPress for the content management on my homepage. While I’m working, you can still navigate around the site using the old index page. I warn you, though, it’s horribly out of date.