It’s like living in a smoker these days in Sacramento, between the heat and the smoke. Last week was absolutely gorgeous. Mild temps and the smoke cleared out. But a heat wave is building in, and the smoke’s pooling in the valley again.
In the last hour or so, the smoke’s really descended. I stepped outside about 3:30 and took this shot. (The intersection in the picture is Watt and Folsom, if you know Sacramento.)
Keep in mind, the camera cuts through some of the haze. Even sitting here, in my cube at work, the office building that’s approximately 75 yards away is starting to get fuzzy through the haze.
I have a forty-five minute commute ahead of me in a car without air conditioning. Wish me and my poor suffering lungs well.
When I was little, we had a car with no a/c, but Mom worked for the county, and at some point when I was maybe 5, they swapped her county car out for one with a/c. She’d time her fieldwork so that she was near home at the end of Friday, and would just get permission: “Being as I’m so close to home, how about if I just keep the car, then do my work out here on Monday morning, then bring it back to work?” So we’d have a car with a/c for the weekend, and woohoo! Lassen, Whiskeytown, the park, grocery shopping, and it remained <90F in the car!
Good luck. :D