I try the strangest things


This is a bacon maple sundae at Denny’s.  It tastes like breakfast.

the mint container

This is an ordinary Altoids container.


But on the inside…


I admit, I fell over laughing. At work.

I could use a reminder…

I’ve been feeling kinda lonely and disconnected lately, and I could use the reminder that there’s people out there who care. I hate asking, but I’m slowly getting it through my thick skull that y’all can’t read my mind and that I have to SAY SOMETHING. :)

That’s about it. Thanks.

25 feet and counting…

The river’s running pretty high in Sacramento today. Here’s an album of photos I took on and around the Tower bridge today.

and other train buffs might appreciate this shot, despite the fact that distance blurs it somewhat.

All the way to Reno…

It’s a bit hard to read, but I’ve finished paying off my membership cost for Reno, and now I just have to cover the hotel. Whee. I’ll figure it out.

All the way to Reno and other fannish updates…

Two things of interest to my fannish friends (and possibly others):

  1. I paid off the last little bit I owed to the Reno Worldcon, so barring extraordinary circumstances, I’ll be hanging with friends there. I mean, it’s just over the hill. (Okay, for values of hill that involves a high point of 7,240 ft above sea level — given I’m starting from approximately 100 ft, it’s a bit of a climb.) But the point is, I’ve got my membership, I’m working out a place to stay, so I should be there. I’m kinda looking forward to it.
  2. For those who didn’t see my triumphant post on Facebook, I have a fanzine now. It’s called Rhyme & Paradox, and you can find a PDF copy of Issue #½ on Bill Burns’ wonderful efanzines site.
    Issue #1 is slated for June and is tentatively titled katster went down to corflu and other stories. (Issue #2, with a mid-August drop [read: I want to hand out copies at Worldcon], has the subtitle Dreaming of Rockets, just to plan ahead.) Contributions welcome.

And I think that’s about it for right now. See y’all again soon.

[corflu] A bit of inventory…

While my brain is still trying to process last weekend — part of my head wants to believe it was all a dream, but I suspect that’s somewhat due to a slight lack of sleep — I figure I’ll do a bit of inventory and a few housekeeping notes.

First, the housekeeping note: I posted this to the Corflu LJ page, but I’ll repeat it here. We’re doing another round of the virtual consuite one-shot. I have one contribution in the bag and one contribution definitively promised, (and, of course, I’m writing one) and I’d like to get a couple more in. Last year’s had a good contribution and I’d like to see this year’s be just as awesome. My email is katster@retstak.org, if you’re inclined to submit something.

Now inventory:
What I brought to Corflu: 47 copies of Rhyme #½
What I have: 19 copies — 18 good, one slightly crunched. Four are earmarked: 1 for Geri, 1 for Peter, 1 for Nic, and 1 in exchange for a zine that was mailed to me last year. That means I have 15 left and if anybody might want one, I am more than happy to mail it. It might be a while before I can do so — finances are still tight — but I’ll get them slowly mailed out, and as a bonus, if Rhyme #1 comes out, I’d probably go ahead and send that too. Let me know. (BTW, my plans for original print runs is to hand-stamp each with my logo stamp that a pal of mine gave me for Christmas. The Corflu copies, being the original print run of Rhyme #½, have a stamp on the lower left of the first page of text.)

I have a small pile of things I got in return, which I will happily document if anybody’s interested in that sort of thing.

In the meanwhile, I’m going to go to school and try to get my thoughts to behave a little more coherently.

Um, guess there’s Corflu for me after all.

So yesterday, I mentioned I wasn’t going to be able to make it to Corflu. This caused a chain reaction in the universe which led to a rather good stroke of fortune which means I’ll be able to go after all. I am completely and absolutely stunned at this turn of events. (Or, as I’ve put it before, my gast has been well and truly flabbered.)

Since I have no idea who caused this stroke of good fortune (that’s what anonymous means, after all), I don’t know who to thank. So, I’ll say this. I have no idea who you are, or whether it’s one or more of you, or anything at all really except the fact you obviously think I need to go to Corflu, but thank you for making it possible for me to go. When I’m in a better financial situation, I’ll pass the favor forward.

I guess this also gives me an incentive (and a deadline!) to finally put together that first issue of Rhyme I’ve been meaning to do since 2009.

But yeah, I’ve been wandering around in a bit of a daze since I got this news yesterday.

No Corflu for you!

Or anyway, no Corflu for me. Despite the fact it’s in San Jose, which is in driving distance, my finances just won’t allow it. I could probably get there, but I couldn’t afford to buy a con membership nor have somewhere to sleep, so I’m going to have to bow out. *sigh* I was so hoping that my finances would be a lot better than they are, but it is not to be.

Dammit. Mebbe next year.

(That said, it’s a testimony to the work I’ve been doing this last year that I’m annoyed by this turn of events as opposed to out and out falling apart over it.)

Things that make me stupidly happy


In this case, it’s a shiny new pair of shoes to replace the beat up pair that has suffered catastrophic loss of sole integrity just in time for the rainy season.

I’m going to do my best not to trash the aglets on this pair.

Yes, I’m aware that I get stupidly happy about strange things.

There is no content here.

Just a note that we’re just about a fifth of the way through the month.  Whoops.

Have a picture of some clouds.


I’m not feeling well lately, and I don’t have much to say today, so have a picture of some clouds taken at sunrise this morning.

Maybe I’ll feel more like talking tomorrow, although my magic 8-ball suggests that’s unlikely.

disjoint thoughts for voting tuesday

I don’t really want to talk about the election yet.

So this is a random thought and a link on the edge of the night.

Meg Whitman’s waiting for 75% of the vote to be counted before she concedes. Guess she thinks the CA governorship is won in an ebay auction — the person who bid the most wins when the clock expires. Me? I’m just amused. Californians don’t always take kindly to people who want to buy state offices or propositions. [Huh, as I type this, she changed her mind and is conceding now.]

Elsewhere, I think my friend Sean sums things up the best: A message to the Tea Party from the Loyal Opposition

I might have more to say tomorrow. We’ll see.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

November is tomorrow.

Let’s see how far I can get without going nuts. :) I had good mojo writing my novel and blogging every day, so we’re going to give it another try. This may be a dumb idea, but hey, I run on dumb ideas.


The puppydog is getting old. But I love this picture of her.