- added header image
- restyled LibraryThing plugin
- corrected an egregious grammar error in the sidebar
- Installed and deinstalled the Twitter plugin. (I’ll bring it back when the site gets more stable.)
- Tried to get a quote generator working, only to discover that the Widgets plugin doesn’t like PHP in the text boxes. (Javascript is okay. Looks like it’s a good thing I’m taking Javascript and AJAX this term.)
- Got comments from Zibb and Kowh, w00t. And now I know how retstak.org will handle comments.
- Turned on the K2 asides option. (Twitter jitters is an aside. I think I may want to hack the restyling a bit.)
- Fixed Zibb’s comment flooding problem. (It’s an ugly hack, though.)
- Installed plugin to get around admin not being able to create categories. (Why does this bug even exist? Why?)
I think that’s everything. The big thing on tomorrow’s agenda is to port the “about retstak.org” page and redo the about page to point to the about me and about retstak.org pages. Also, I need to remember to put a Sandwich badge somewhere on the website, for we loves our sysadmin, we do.