- 00:08 New blog post: katster’s twitters tinyurl.com/2go45m #
- 00:57 scan job done, pictures posted to flickr, leaves raked, and now I need to get to bed, because I have to get up in five hours. Whee! #
- 10:32 working in the cafe, type type typing, working in the cafe… #
- 17:57 sitting on my front porch with the laptop and candy, waiting for the trick or treaters to show up. #
- 18:01 One of the neighbor kids is riding his bike around. This would be perfectly normal — except he’s dressed in a bunny suit. #
- 18:02 @dhemery I’m really surprised more kids haven’t <strike>taken advantage of</strike> been forced to go before sundown. #
- 19:37 taking a moment to update twitter between waves of trick or treaters. #
- 19:58 Ahh, the Russians are out with their video camera. Their kids were just chanting "We hate Halloween!" I feel sorry for them. #
- 20:25 found the Nano chatroom. It’s kinda interesting. I think I have found new and novel ways to procrastinate. #
- 21:08 Dixon ho! #
- 22:54 Waiting for Nano time… #
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