It’s time for another caption contest…

With thanks to <a href="">
With thanks to

Alright, gang, caption this shot.

[Edit: I note, for the record, that this is a photoshop — which I thought it might have been when I posted it. See That said, when has a Photoshop stopped a good caption contest before? Thanks to and , who both pointed this out.]

2 thoughts on “It’s time for another caption contest…

  1. Richard Crawford September 2, 2008 at 10:35

    PhotoShop wins again!

    But other captions:
    John who?

    Palin in ’08! Because Biden could never look this hot in a bikini.

  2. katster September 2, 2008 at 11:10

    Hee, I figured it was photoshopped, actually. I paused for a moment, and then realized that photoshopped photos have never stopped me from doing a caption contest before…

    I love the ‘Biden in a bikini’, even if it does bring up ‘don’t wanna GO there’ thoughts.


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