So, we’re at my uncle’s house, passing around my welder’s goggles I bought to keep my eyes protected during the height of the eclipse. It wasn’t my turn, so I turn around, away from the sun, and suddenly gawp. “Look at the rocks!”
Here’s what they looked like — click through, it’s definitely more obvious on the Flickr page, especially on the back of my uncle’s shirt:
They looked like that, because they were under a tree, and the sun looked something like this:
Photo by retstak
(That’s shot on a cellphone camera through a pair of welder’s goggles, so my apologies for the size.)
Yeah, it was definitely worth it to go to Redding this weekend to see an annular eclipse.
That’s a great shot of the rings on his shirt. I got home so late last night I haven’t had a chance to go over the photos I took yesterday. Boy, though, did we have fun enjoying the eclipse!
So, inquring minds want to know, will you be going to BayCon?