Back around 2005, the first time I did a NaNoWriMo in the friendly confines of the Sacramento region, we had a slight contest. I think I won this one, for most convoluted and long opening sentence. So, to share with you (since I found the notebook it was in), here it is: In the beginning […]
It was a great holiday. I got to talk with relatives, and I also got about three pages longhand of a piece of the novel that means I can move forward somewhat. And it started with a simple twist the bot gave me in our nano channel last night: What happens if your main character […]
The Big Money, photo taken by David D. Muir // CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 I’m pretty angry over what went down at my bank today. You see, I got a WaMu account back about four years ago, and I was pretty happy with them. They weren’t perfect, but there was something friendly about them and they […]
Huh, damn, it’s nearly midnight. I’d meant to write about the weekend (summed up in one word: AWESOME) but I’ve been at home all day with an ugly headache, so I’ll just take it easy today and will hopefully find some time tomorrow to inform you of everything that happened this weekend. But right now, […]
on my way from san francisco and the night of writing dangerously. Testing my mobile blogging interface. It works well. And I made fifty thousand words tonight. Yay!
So Berkeley professors have been besieged by protests and spurious fire alarms this week as people protest about their fees going up (again). I don’t want to talk about the California budget situation right now, because it just makes me angry and — well, that’s no fun. So instead, here’s a picture of one of […]
Today will be the 112th replaying of the Big Game. I’m hoping for an Axe for my birthday, but Cal has a 4-7-1 record against Stanford on November 21, and Stanford’s won the last three on that day. Also, Stanford’s in the Rose Bowl hunt, and all Cal can do is play spoiler. I can […]
So, how are you all doing? Anything exciting? Anything you want to hear about? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
It was a beautiful morning in Sacramento this morning. It hasn’t started raining yet, but over the last hour, the clouds have rolled in, so it’s coming I heart fortune: Your fortune for the day Q: How many members of the U.S.S. Enterprise does it take to change a light bulb? A: Seven. Scotty has […]
If I can manage to write 4000 words/day for the next three days, it’s entirely possible I’ll hit the 50k Sunday night. Since nobody’s entered the betting pool, I suppose that will have to do. (Besides, I don’t think I’m going to write 4k a day for the next three days. I have a ton […]
I’m sitting here at the computer trying to figure out something to tell you all. I figure I ought to post in the middle of the day because it might get more comments, but that’ll be for another time. Tonight, it nears midnight, and I have a deadline. The biggest thing I want to talk […]
After I finish this, I’m going to go write about a paragraph or so into the novel file so that it isn’t a true zero day, but it’s as close to zero as I’m going to get. I’m about six days ahead of the game, and I figure if I put in a superhuman effort, […]