kitten, one night only


oOPS…sorry about that, kitten on my keyboard. Found the CapsLock key too. Anyway, the neighbor boys found this little guy last night and brought him to us, as the local “cat people”. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to call the animal shelter and see if they’ll take him. Normally, we’d hold the feisty little guy and put up signs, but there have been ironclad plans made for this weekend since June of last year. *sigh*

But if I were in the sort of situation that would enable me to keep a kitten, you bet like heck I’d do so.===========””””””””””””””””””””””====================

ack, kitten on keyboard again…

Anyway, just wanted to show you pictures of kitten. More pictures here

caution: contains water and smiles

So, in the process of cleaning up my room, I found my old Nalgene bottle I used to carry around when I was in grad school. I’ve been trying to drink more water, so I’ve gotten back in the habit of carrying it to work:
My Nalgene bottle

But this has its problems. If you’re not familiar with Nalgene bottles, they have a wide mouth. This is great for filling it, but not so great for drinking from it. Also, the only way to attach it to a bag is to weave the cap through a strap. Both of these are problems, so I went to REI yesterday to fix it.

The attachment problem is simple: I now have a carabiner on the cap loop to attach it to a bag. (Okay, technically, it’s a carabiner keychain. It’s even stamped “Not for climbing” on the side. But the REI guy and I both figured that a real carabiner would have been overkill for the situation.)

But the coup is the little piece I bought to fit in the mouth of the Nalgene bottle and make it easier to drink from. It covers most of the mouth, and it looks like this:

Yes. It always gives me a bit of a smile when I open the water bottle.

at least the dog is happy

I spent most of the weekend mucking out my room. That is, I’ve been in there cleaning it up from the disaster-area state that it was in and moving things around.

It’s not completely done. There’s a lot of things in boxes, and I’ve got a lot of sorting ahead. But my carpet has been revealed as a completely depressing shade of red and you can actually walk from the door all the way to the bed.

I’m not used to this!

So you can imagine my surprise when I’m curled up on the bed relaxing after having worked rather hard on the room, re-reading John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War and munching on some black licorice I bought at the store earlier when, suddenly, there’s a snuffling and the dog appears at the side of the bed, looking longingly at my treats and giving me the sad puppydog eyes.

I moved over to let her get on the bed, and shared a few of my treats (I know; I’m so cruel) and she’s been on the bed since, staying put even as I fetched the camera and took the shot.

Such are the perils of clean rooms, I tell you.

Worse Air

You know how I was speculating how bad it was in Redding in my last post?

My friend Linda Raven Moore lives up Weaverville way. For those of you not in the know, Weaverville’s in the mountains west of Redding. It’s the county seat of Trinity County, which is the most rural county in the state. A large chunk of Trinity County is the Trinity Alps Wilderness, a stretch of land that has been left to be natural — there aren’t even roads through it. (All firefighting in the Wilderness has to be done by hand tools, that’s how strict they are about it.)

Needless to say, Trinity County is on fire at the moment. This is about what it looked like a day or so ago:

picture courtesy Linda Raven Moore

Linda’s got more pictures at her blog entries on the subject: Smoky Weaverville and Smoky Ride. They’re worth the time to look at all her pictures.

Actually, Linda’s blogs are worth the time in general. She’s got four of them: Raven’s Roads, her travel blog, Raven’s Rides, her motorcycle blog, Raven’s RV, about life in a motor home, and Raven’s Range, the general catchall blog. She’s a good writer, and a master of the photoessay. Check it out!

(In comments, my friend David says that things are clearing out a bit. It’s more smoky in Sacramento today. I’m staying in as much as possible.)

Bad Air.

It’s ugly out there. This is a picture I just took about fifteen minutes ago, as the sun was going down here in Antelope, which is roughly twenty miles northeast of Sacramento proper. (I’m near Roseville, for those familiar with Sactown geography.)

The air’s been nasty all day. Every night, we hope it’ll get better as it clears enough to see stars in the sky. But the daytimes are just nasty. I had to take my mom into Roseville this afternoon, and our car doesn’t have air conditioning. My lungs are still feeling it. Every time I step out into the murky, ugly air, it starts to hurt to breathe. And I’m not in any sensitive group.

I’m in Sacramento. I can only imagine how bad it is in my old stomping grounds up in Redding, where there’s fires burning all around. I have vague memories of 1987, and stepping outside to see a blood red sun hanging in the air. My dad still has pictures somewhere.

Never expected I’d be snapping my own in Sactown, though.

A thousand fires. My lovely state is burning. And more dry lightning predicted.

And it’s only June.

That’s the scariest part.

(More sunset pictures on Flicker here.)

Can has kittens.

The folks who hang on my IRC channel have occasionally seen gibberish come across their screen as a kitten walked across the laptop keyboard. That’s Ebony, and she’s the all black kitten in back. She has a paw draped over her sister, but it’s kinda hard to tell because of black on black problems.

The kitten in front is Curly, so named because her tail is kinked, and when she was little, it was curly like a pig’s tail. She’s much less daring than Ebony (and thus not prone to type on IRC), but she’s a real sweetheart when you approach her on her terms.

The two of them came into my life about a month ago, when their owner had a bit of a desperate situation and needed to get out fast, which meant we ended up providing a place to stay for three kitties (the two kittens and their momma). But their owner has found a better situation, and kitties are going to be leaving tomorrow. I’ll miss them.

Since it’s hard to see Curly in this picture, I’ll provide another here (or under the cut, for LJ syndication).

Oh hai there.Photo by retstak

This morning in Salt Lake…

Salt Lake Airport

I made it safely to Baltimore.

There’ll be more later.