Originally uploaded by retstak
I’m just testing the post to blog feature. have a picture of Britney for your troubles.
Originally uploaded by retstak
I’m just testing the post to blog feature. have a picture of Britney for your troubles.
on ur lawnmower, takin a nap
Originally uploaded by retstak
Stormycat has taken to sleeping on the grass collector of Dad’s lawnmower. Today, I decided to get a couple of shots of this, and the results are here.
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Okay, it’s Sacramento International Airport now, but the city code is SMF. That’s what it stands for. I can remember when Sactown had a municipal airport as opposed to an international one, but that was lo those many years ago. I’m waiting for my flight to Salt Lake to board. The screen says on-time, and the check-in kiosk said we’re boarding in ten minutes, so I should probably go ahead and sign off. I probably won’t update here in Salt Lake (wireless costs in Salt Lake), but I may poke LJ with a voice post or txt Twitter.
And I’ll be in Baltimore in eight hours. Woo.
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Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
I’m testing to see if my wordpress blog will take the LJ cut tag.
And if this works, you should only see this text on LJ if you’ve clicked the LJ-cut.
And this should be back out from under the cut.
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