katster’s twitters

  • 02:24 happy birthday to me! #

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katster’s twitters

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katster’s twitters

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LJ-cut test

I’m testing to see if my wordpress blog will take the LJ cut tag.

And if this works, you should only see this text on LJ if you’ve clicked the LJ-cut.

And this should be back out from under the cut.

katster’s twitters

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katster’s twitters

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katster’s twitters

  • 10:36 uh. I have a job interview. Thursday. #
  • 10:39 New blog post: Bright light, dark tunnel… tinyurl.com/264j4m #

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Bright light, dark tunnel…

And I’m not sure if it will turn out to be the end of the tunnel or an oncoming train.

I have a job interview Thursday. No, I don’t know with who, and I don’t know what I’m going to have to know, and I’m merely hoping that I’ve got what it takes. And yeah. eek.

So anxious.

katster’s twitters

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katster’s twitters

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katster’s twitters

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katster’s twitters

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Why I’m not making wordcount

THere have been other reasons, but a large chunk is InDesign class.

Here’s a piece of my current project, which is designing a postcard to help advertise an event at a business:
Banned Books Week postcard

(Click through to see the complete PDF. The business is fake; such a place doesn’t really exist in real life. Sad.)

katster’s twitters

  • 17:26 hangin out at weatherstone, hackin on me novel. #
  • 17:31 New blog post: katster’s twitters tinyurl.com/yp25y7 #
  • 17:34 we have seven people here so far, woo. #
  • 18:05 NINE! NINE! We have ourselves a little fellowship! %) #
  • 20:47 yay! two thousand words, and ten people total at the write-ins! #

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katster’s twitters

  • 17:26 hangin out at weatherstone, hackin on me novel. #

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