My cube at work

My cube at work

Originally uploaded by retstak

So work’s been going a bit better. I have a cube. (Well, at least I have declared that I am in the office often enough to warrant having a cube be mine.) And in the interests of establishing that cube as mine, I brought these guys in to decorate it. It’s Luigi and a couple of minor baddies from Super Mario Brothers.

Also, I took this picture with my new toy. The Flickr page has the right model, so… ;) (Yeah, Verizon offered me a deal I really couldn’t pass up, and I’ve been thinking about getting a smartphone for a while.)

The fog comes in…

Fog December 12, 2008

Originally uploaded by retstak

I was talking with last night about how foggy it can get in the valley. Of course, this morning obliged quite nicely, and I got quite a few shots of it. They’re in the fog set on flickr.

Anyway, the tule’s really a rather unique thing. It can go from perfect visibilty to nothing in no time flat, which makes it interesting to drive in, and it’s all due to a quirk in California geography.

You see, most of inland California is a valley, drained by the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. And what happens is that there’s really only one way out of the valley — via the Delta. So during the winter, the cold air off the mountains descends and pools in the valley, and then the cold air gets trapped. Since cold air holds less moisture than warm air, the result is a thick blanket of fog.

I point out, btw, that these pictures aren’t the worst I’ve seen it. They’re just representative.

That day, again.

As of today, I am now eligible to serve in the United States Senate.

In other words, I have been whisked around the sun so many times that it’s time to update the tens digit in my age. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this. Talk to me about it later, when I’m not banging my head into the wall over how much frustration November has caused me.

Caption contest over dinner…

Dinnertime on the campaign trail

It’s a caption contest. Y’all know what to do.

Live by the sword…

So, trawling the web today lead me to this SF Chronicle article: Prison guards move to recall Schwarzenegger

Union officials planned to deliver the petition to Schwarzenegger later today or Tuesday. The governor has seven days to respond, after which the union will file the petition with the Secretary of State to begin a signature drive for a special recall election, said Lance Corcoran, a spokesman for the union. The recall drive would eventually need 1,041,530 valid signatures to qualify for a statewide ballot.

Yes, I find it amusing that what the recall bringeth, it can also taketh away. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

I don’t know if I agree; things are complicated in California already without throwing a volatile recall into the mix. OTOH, the prison guards have been working without a contract since 2006 and the state government is effed up six ways from Sunday. Hell, lesser transgressions are what got Gray Davis kicked out.

So in the end, I just find the whole thing amusingly funny.

[Unrelated: Maru, I saw your LJ comment. I haven’t unscreened it yet, because I’m still working on a response.]

It’s time for another caption contest…

With thanks to <a href="">
With thanks to

Alright, gang, caption this shot.

[Edit: I note, for the record, that this is a photoshop — which I thought it might have been when I posted it. See That said, when has a Photoshop stopped a good caption contest before? Thanks to and , who both pointed this out.]

A couple quick thoughts on the political winds…

One: I want to believe. I’m not sure I can. You see, I turned eighteen in 1996, but due to a quirk of calendars (My birthday falls approximately two and a half weeks *after* election day), the first presidential election I was able to participate in was the 2000 clusterfsck. And, in 2004, I let my hopes get too high only to be dashed on the rocks of reality. I’m not sure I’m over that. I understand Barack Obama is not John Kerry, and, despite the fact McCain votes with him 90+% of the time, John McCain is not George W. Bush. But I still expect the Republicans to do everything in their power to take this one away. And that scares me.

Because I know that truth number two is thus: The world is changing. Thus, the United States must change as well, or it will die. And as Obama put it so well last night, just because I’m somewhat liberal in my political beliefs does not mean that I hate this country and want it to die. Far from it. I’m glad a Democrat actually decided to point out that Republicans don’t have a fscking monopoly on patriotism in this country.

Anyway, short post:
1) I want to believe; I’m not sure I can.
2) America must change or America will die.
3) I love my country.

Anyway, I have to go up to Redding to go to my cousin’s wedding and hang out with the *ahem* more conservative members of my family. I’ll try to find internet from there; if I don’t, well I’ll see y’all after Labor Day.

kitten, one night only


oOPS…sorry about that, kitten on my keyboard. Found the CapsLock key too. Anyway, the neighbor boys found this little guy last night and brought him to us, as the local “cat people”. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to call the animal shelter and see if they’ll take him. Normally, we’d hold the feisty little guy and put up signs, but there have been ironclad plans made for this weekend since June of last year. *sigh*

But if I were in the sort of situation that would enable me to keep a kitten, you bet like heck I’d do so.===========””””””””””””””””””””””====================

ack, kitten on keyboard again…

Anyway, just wanted to show you pictures of kitten. More pictures here

committing parody

So there’s a bit in my head that’s echoing around, to the rough sounds of the Antony funeral speech in Julius Caesar, that goes something like this:

“But McCain is against abortion
And McCain is an honorable man…”

Maybe if I find Copious Free Time, I’ll write the whole thing out.

Also — is ‘My Fellow Americans’ an acceptable substitute for ‘Friends, Romans, Countrymen”? Discuss amongst yourself…


this is just a post to see if posting will make the archive plugin work. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

books! Wonderful books!

The collection of Worldcon books
The collection of Worldcon books

I finally got around to unpacking the 38 lb duffle and decided to take this picture. This is the collection of books I had signed at Worldcon (or otherwise was collected around that period). Technically, I got my copy of Plague War before Worldcon, but my original plans were to get it and have Jeff Carlson sign it at Worldcon — luckily, Jeff was doing a signing at the Roseville Barnes and Noble the Saturday before Worldcon. Also, the Feghoot book was a lovely parting gift for attempting to compete at Win Tom Whitmore’s Books, and is not signed, although it comes from this worldcon. There are also two unpictured books as they were not in the bag in question, but I’ve listed them below.

No, I did not have an ounce of fun in Denver. I resent the implication that I might have had fun. ;)

Read more… “books! Wonderful books!”

Forward into the light.

So, there I was, poking around LJ, when I found that had pointed at this entry of ‘s. (She apparently does them every month, if you’re feeling inclined to watch that journal.) Feeling somewhat like the universe wanted to say something to me, I posted a response that read:

I think I’ll be daring enough. The use will probably be a combination of one and four in your list, because I think I’m approaching a cusp.

And today I got my response. It read:

So there’s this Cell you’ve been in for a while, and it’s a comfortable Cell but as you’ve noticed it’s a little too small for you and… it would be nice to see the sun a while. The kicker is that you went into the Cell because it was safe. At the time, anyway. Now it’s just boring and you figure, “That thing that drove me in here is probably long gone.”

So you pop out of the Cell and right there, staring you in the face is a Murderer: that thing, that person, that situation that was trying to beat you down, smother the growth in you, steal some of the stuff that made life worthwhile.


Now, I want you to consider the absurdity of this situation. You’ve been safe in here for quite a while, waiting for this Murderer to move on, and you were pretty sure he’d get just as bored as you were after all this time, and yet… he’s still out here. Except you’ve been indoors and he’s been skulking outside and he’s a little underfed and a lot bedraggled and he needs a bath and he looks less scary and more like a scarecrow…

So you say: “BOO!”

And the Murderer goes “!!!” and runs off.

Maybe the Murderer was dangerous back then. But… I think you’re bigger than him now. :)

I have a few ideas, obviously, as to what this might mean. I’d love to hear from friends, though, as to their thoughts, as those often offer clarity to my otherwise jumbled head. (That and my friends are just plain awesome at offering interesting thoughts to ponder.)

back in the california republic…

Just letting all two and one quarter of my adoring fans that my enemies have failed once again in bringing down my plane and I am back in Sactown.

More to be said about both inbound and outbound reading material when it comes up, and … I’m half-pondering an essay that seems to want to be titled ‘Why I hate being a neofan”. It’s nothing more than a couple stray thoughts at the moment, and I think I’m going to hold until I can rework a piece I wrote for my eAPA fanzine on Core and Big Tent Fandom and write “Belgium” for .

I also owe you all a worldcon report.

And I have to work this week. My life sucks.

But that’s about it. I yet live!

what a week…

tired katster
Me waiting for my flight at DIA.

I’ll have more commentary (and some pictures!) later this week. In the meantime, I think I just had the best week of my life. Thanks to my gracious host and his folks for having me.

wish you were here…

At Worldcon, and having a blast. I’ve done some filking, hung around in consuite, went to a panel, trolled the dealer’s room, partied with folks who want to have a Worldcon in a bleak post-nuclear wasteland and have already spent too much money. And it’s only Thursday.

(But that’s okay!)

Also, I nearly took John Scalzi out with my backpack in the reg line. The best part is? When I did that, I didn’t realize it was Scalzi. (Imagine my surprise when the nice dude behind me who’s been cool about the backpack thing walks up to the reg table (while I’ve got my badge and am waiting for the goodie bag) and says “I’m John Scalzi.”)

Yeah. I’m having a blast. Wish you all were here.

Anyway, there are other things I ought to be doing other than hanging out on the computer, so I’m going to do them. See you all later!